SMK Chalok Model Khas, Setiu, Terengganu is located at the ouskirt of Bandar Permaisuri. It is about 65 km away from Kuala Terengganu. It consists of 1200 students which ranged from Year 4 to Form 6. It has been chosen by the KPM and the PPD to run a special programme known as Model Khas, which is to accomodate the primary school pupils in this school together with the secondary students under the same administration. There are about 85 teachers altogether teaching in this school.
In May 2011, our school has been selected as one of the school participants in Toyota Eco Youth Programme, a national programme which we are really proud of. Two of our teachers accompanied by 8 selected students were attending the programme and we are really proud and excited to be part of this competition.